Ithaca 1911A1, .45 acp. This is marked on the right frame United States Property and is military inspected FJA. This has all correct WWII era parts to include the HS=High Standard Barrel and an L-MS Little magazine. This is outstanding with 99+% finish and the bore is excellent. This package includes a new made Kraft box and an extra L marked magazine.
Colt 1911A1 Made by Ithaca, .45acp, US Army Issue, Built in 1943-Mint
1 in stock
Ithaca 1911A1, .45 acp. This is marked on the right frame United States Property and is military inspected FJA. This has all correct WWII era parts to include the HS=High Standard Barrel and an L-MS Little magazine. This is outstanding with 99+% finish and the bore is excellent. This package includes a new made Kraft box and an extra L marked magazine.
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