Dreyse 1861 Needlefire Revolver, 39.4 1/2 Cent. Pulv. caliber. This has the checkered walnut stock. This is a larger frame than the standard 35 caliber variants, which are much more common. This has some light engraving and silver bands. This has a patina overall and the bore is VG-VG+. Antique.
Dreyse 1861 Kufahl Needlefire Revolver, 39.4 1/2 Caliber - On Hold
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Dreyse 1861 Needlefire Revolver, 39.4 1/2 Cent. Pulv. caliber. This has the checkered walnut stock. This is a larger frame than the standard 35 caliber variants, which are much more common. This has some light engraving and silver bands. This has a patina overall and the bore is VG-VG+. Antique.
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